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date: 06/02/22

Myth of Empires DLC Early Preview - Automation, New Regions, and More!

Myth of Empires DLC Early Preview - Automation, New Regions, and More!


Season One of Myth of Empires’ Season Servers is about to come to an end, and Season Two is upon us. Thank you to everyone who has joined us on this exciting journey!


Today, though, we’d like to give you an early preview of some DLC that we’ve been working on. Let’s take a look!

Power to the People!

As guilds in Myth of Empires become larger and more powerful, their production lines become concomitantly more complicated. One of the new additions in the upcoming DLC are structures that promote automation.

This automation will free up your NPCs and guildmates to take on more pressing matters, and help untangle those complication production lines, increasing efficiency and productivity.

Of course, automation requires power. Wind-driven power will feature prominently in the DLC, though water-based and other kinds of kinetic power may make an appearance at some point, as well. Naturally, human-driven, power-assisted devices will also play an important role. For instance, new resource collection equipment we previewed in past announcements will finally be making their appearance as part of this DLC.

Video link


Of course, automated, power-driven devices will bring new and fantastical elements to large-scale combat, as well.


The Western Regions Make an Appearance

Another feature of the upcoming DLC will be the addition of items from the Western Regions. In the concept art below, you can see Xiongnu blades, Persian-style single-handed weapons, and even Kazakh-style round shields. The style of the Western Regions will add a new dimension to Myth of Empires, expanding the world’s look and feel.


In addition, new areas will be added to the world map through DLC. These areas will feature some geographical elements of the Western Regions, including new types of deserts, yardangs, oases, salt lakes, and more. New additions will also be made to gameplay, but we’ll announce what these are at a later date.

Of course, new structures will be added, along with more stylized buildings. We will add new vehicles appropriate to the new areas of the map, as well as new tameable wild animals and more plants to cultivate and farm.


Development on the Main Game Continues

Of course, new content will be added to the Eastern Continent, some of which will integrate with the DLC features.




That’s what we have to show off from the upcoming DLC. We will show you more in-depth previews as development on this content continues, so stay tuned. If you have any suggestions for what you’d like to see in the DLC or in the base game, let us know in our official Discord community. See you next time!